ABC’s of Mental Training for Swimmers



  1. A is for Anxiety
  2. B is for Building Your Mindset
  3. C is for Confidence
  4. D is for Dedication
  5. E is for Emotional Control
  6. F is for Fear
  7. G is for Goal Setting
  8. H is for Having Fun
  9. I is for Injuries
  10. J is for Juggling Everything
  11. K is for Keeping the Peace
  12. L is for Leadership
  13. M is for Motivation
  14. N is for Negative Self Talk
  15. O is for Overtraining
  16. P is for Perfectionism
  17. Q is for Quality Practice
  18. R is for Resiliency
  19. S is for Stress Management
  20. T is for Team Building
  21. U is for Underperforming
  22. V is for Visualization
  23. W is for Winning
  24. X is for X games Mentality
  25. Y is for Young Athletes
  26. Z is for Zen Thinking
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This is a series of 26 short newsletters focusing on the mental challenges faced by swimmers. Each chapter is to-the-point, speaking to athletes directly about common issues they experience as they strive to succeed in their sport. At only 56 pages, this book is informative and provides quick tips and exercises for swimmers at all levels.

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